joi, 21 aprilie 2016


The largest broadcasting and new media event in Latin America takes place from August, 29 to September, 1, in São Paulo, Brazil
LAS VEGAS, April - SET is inviting its international partners to visit SET EXPO 2016, the main business and technology event for broadcasting and new media in Latin America.  SET EXPO will take place between August, 29 to September, 1, in São Paulo, Brazil.
In new edition, SET EXPO 2016 has just won a great support. The Department of Foreign Trade of the United States officially recognized the event as an excellent business opportunity through the program  Trade Fair Certification .
 "With this certification, the Commercial Service of the Department of Commerce recognizes its professional capacity to organize the US Pavilion and endorses SET EXPO as an excellent showcase for US products and services, "the agency said in a letter to the SET. the  Trade Fair Certification  is a cooperation program aimed at companies and entities that organize events outside the US. It aims to promote the export of products and business partnerships. 
Certified fairs are recognized for the quality and reliability of their business environment and receive support for dissemination in the United States. "The recognition of the US government puts the SET EXPO among the best and most important fairs of the market  broadcast  and new media world "says Claudio Younis, director of Marketing for SET. 
SET EXPO 2016 will take place in São Paulo, the Red Pavilion of Expo Center Norte, between August 29 and September 1. The expectation of SET is to receive about 16,000 participants will visit 200 booths, representing more than 400 brands, and will move approximately US $ 40 million in sales. 
For Olímpio J. Franco, president and founding partner of SET, the importance of SET Expo is evident from the event's ability to bring together the major interests of the entire broadcasting network. Consisting of a major equipment, products and services fair and a congress, the scope of SET Expo includes both the major manufacturers on the world market, and industry specialists and thinkers. SET EXPO affords visitors a unique experience in Latin America.
The event not only offers an overview of the new technologies, but also enables the huge public to take part in debates about major trends and prospects for broadcasting at a global level.  "The Fair and the Congress present opportunities for exchanges between the areas comprising the industry, in addition to creating possibilities for closing business deals throughout Latin America", Olímpio adds.

At its 2015 Edition SET Expo hosted:
  • 15,900+ media and technology professionals
  • Exhibitors and attendees from the five continents, including exhibitors in international pavilions (Germany, Japan and Scandinavia) and multiple exhibitors from USA, Canada, India, Korea, Italy, Spain, Chile, Argentina and many other countries
  • 200+ exhibitors representing + 400 brands
  • 200,000+ sq. ft.  show floor
The NAB has already confirmed its presence at SET Expo 2016. "Our partnership had borne fruit not only for Brazilians, but also for the US public visiting our event", says Olímpio.  At the previous edition, the NAB was a major player in promoting the exchange of ideas and opportunities within the industry.
Simultaneously with the Fair, which will host exhibitors from all over the world, SET is organizing a series of events, including:
28th Technology Congress
With each edition, the SET Congress discusses the industry's present and future from the point of view of technology, production, transmission, distribution, network support services and new media. Well-known Brazilian and international mediators and speakers present successful cases implemented in the different areas of communication, in addition to sharing knowledge by presenting the solutions encountered in each project.
SET Awards - Incentivizing the Technological Development of Brazilian Television
Launched in 2010, the SET Awards ceremony is held annually to acknowledge professionals and companies for their relevant contributions to the industry. The awards are given during the Annual SET Congress.
ISDB-T International Forum
A gathering of the Association of broadcasters, manufacturers, developers and teaching and research entities on behalf of Digital TV,  so as to discuss issues concerning Digital TV and its spin-offs.
Challenge of Innovation and Start-ups 
Since 2013, SET has provided a space for entrepreneurs to showcase during the fair their ideas, projects, services and products. The projects should make a contribution to the broadcasting technology market, either radio or TV, but also in the electronics, computer and audiovisual industries that are expanding into cinema, shows, off-line actions, games, the internet, cell phones, interactivity and new media in general.
Latin America Business Forum
The forum for debates and presentations by authorities seeks to bring together over 500 executives of the major radio and television companies in Latin America, together with industry specialists, to discuss the political and economic challenges and the opportunities created by the new technologies and new platforms associated with broadcasting.
About SET - The Brazilian Society for Television Engineering (SET) is a not-for-profit association consisting of technical and operating companies and professionals whose primary aim is to develop technical knowledge across the entire electronic media chain, from production to delivery. It represents the largest forum for discussing standards and trends for the electronic content creation, management and distribution market in Brazil, in addition to holding the annual event, SET EXPO ( The SET has the support of about 20 national and five international organizations , including the NAB Show and InterBEE, For more information, please visit

For more information:
 (55 11)  3666-9604 / 2506-8234
Carla Dorea Bartz -
Communications Manager

Maria Emília Farto - - (55 11) 99458-9197
April, 2016

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