miercuri, 6 aprilie 2016



This Project has been organised by a Cultural Society of young people from
a little town called El Torviscal, situated in the province of Badajoz
(Extremadura, south-west of Spain).
The main aim of the Project is to promote our own culture, that is, to
show things only we have, and to interact with other cultures, for many
reasons: getting to know them, mixing them –if possible- and living them
in a closer way. Like that people from several cultures can have better

We would like to show four main fields of our culture: COOKERY, MUSIC,

To do so, we will organise activities, routes, tours, events, etc. which
will make our participants see up close those incredible characteristics
above mentioned.

In general terms, these would be our objectives but as it is supposed to
be an exchange, we would like to travel to their countries too. Here we
have what they could organise.
Our international partners should give us the opportunity to have a
general overview of the previous mentioned topics related to their own
cultures and countries. Let´s give an example to make it clearer:

Let's imagine that one day they show us the typical folklore and music of
their country. Among the activities they suggest, all participants will be
able to show the typical folklore and music of their own countries too, as
an interchange, as feedback. Obviously, when talking about cookery and
music these activities would be easier.

People who are interested in the project will receive a detailed programme
and should send us their programme too.
Participants must be between 18-26 years old and the project would last
one week for everybody –coming to Spain or travelling to other countries.

When travelling, there must be between 8 and 10 people.
The dates are as follows:

Coming to El Torviscal (Spain): from 24th to 30th of October.
Spanish people travelling abroad: from 6th to 11th of December.
As for costs, we will separate them in OUTER EXCHANGE (Spanish people
travelling abroad) and INNER EXCHANGE (international people coming to

Outer Exchange
The Cultural Society will ONLY cover costs of the journey, up to the
arrival at the airport of the country. The rest, such as activities, food,
tickets, etc. would be paid by the host participants.

Inner Exchange
When participants coming to Spain all expenses (100%) would be paid by the
Cultural Society, except the costs of the journey to the airport, which
will be covered 50% by the Society.
When international participants arrive at the Spanish airport, they will
be given a video camera, in order to film the whole exchange in our
country. That film will be published in several webpages, social networks
and maybe in a TV channel, so that we can promote our town, land and
Spanish participants will also make a film which can be given to our
international guests as a good promotion of their own countries.

For the good behaviour of all participants, they will have to sign some
authorizations in which basic rules are perfectly clear.
So, if you want to have a great experience in Spain, in a good little
town, surrounded by kind and nice people, please, contact us as soon as
you can to work hard on it. THANK YOU!


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