miercuri, 6 aprilie 2016

European Training Calendar

Partnership-building Activity 15-22 May 2016 | Kysak, Slovak Republic

Sharing is caring

8 days of networking and peer-learning in a group of LGBTQ youth activists with diverse experience in the Slovak Republic. 3 people per country. Fun, learning and unicorns. Get inspired and share your own experience, expand your visions and networks.
Saplinq (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, United Kingdom
Application deadline:
29 April 2016
(The short link for this training offer is http://trainings.salto-youth.net/5701)

We are SALTO

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field.

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