joi, 21 aprilie 2016

International Educational Center GEMS in co-operation with InformaGiovani EU-wide network

Propose the project 

With Media Literacy towards Cultural Awareness and Tolerance 

Media and most of all new media are taking a significant place in lives
of the youth. Medias are becoming their way of expression, socializing
tool and a source of information, which strongly form their point of view
at the World and reality. Media active on internet are becoming a tool for
disinformation spreading, half-truths and hateful statements against the
members of ethnical groups, minorities or others. An example of these
negative phenomena is the refugee crisis. Internet was full of materials
with the aim to urge the public to hate and defame refugees. This leads to
the xenophobia and extremism. 

The main aim is to increase a level of quality of intercultural education
through increasing media competencies of the youth and use media for
increasing transversal skills of young people as creativity, innovation,
ability to learn and initiative-taking. Focus will be done on critical
thinking on media and adapt it to the new conditions, in where the media
have strong influence on creating reality in youth.

The Multiaction project will consist from 2 actions:

Seminar for youth workers, Czech Republic, 26 participants in November
2016– to exchange experience with media education through NFE, creating
toolkit with tools, activities and methodologies, promote and develop new
project proposals on the topic of media literacy and intercultural learning

Training Course, Italy, 26 participants (Leader Training) in March 2017-
empower youth workers with competencies to lead project and activities
with participation of young people from different cultural and social
background, conduct educational activities,  increase critical media
thinking of young people and creative use of media for self-expression and
deliver this kind of activities also to young people with fewer


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