vineri, 8 aprilie 2016

EU-China Youth Policy Dialogue & Expert Seminar

30 May-3 June 2016: EU-China Youth Policy Dialogue & Expert Seminar,
Suzhou and Shanghai, China

Organised by the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) and European
Commission, the seminar will focus on the theme of “Approaches of how
Youth Organizations Reach Young People”, under which the topics of youth
participation, youth social inclusion, anti-radicalisation, capacity
building of youth organisations, values education, new media will be
tackled. The approaches to reach young people will mainly be discussed
under two aspects, “How” and “What”, allowing focusing on
organisational based and content based perspectives, respectively.

Anyone active in youth work or youth organisations relevant to the EU –
China youth cooperation can express the interest to participate and should
indicate the topic for active contribution to the seminar. Participants
can represent a national, a local or regional public body, a non-profit or
non-governmental organisation, a body active at European level in the
youth field (ENGO), an international governmental non-profit organisation
or a relevant cooperation project between the EU and China in the field of

Deadline: 12 April 2016, 23:59 (CET)

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