sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

Despre Paste!

Mai este putin si se apropie Pastele, o sarbatoare foarte indragita de noi, in care vopsim oua, mancam cozonaci si pasca si primim cadouri de Iepuras.
Pastele se sarbatoreste peste tot in lume - cei mai multi dintre noi se indreapta spre casa, pentru a fi impreuna cu familia - si este un prilej de bucurie ce marcheaza Invierea lui Iisus Hristos.
Cu toate astea, exista traditii ce difera de la o regiune la alta, motiv pentru care ne-am gandit sa facem o lista cu lucruri mai putin stiute despre aceasta sarbatoare.
1. In cazul in care ati observat, in fiecare an, sarbatorim Pastele la o data diferita. Practic, Pastele pica in prima duminica dupa luna plina, dupa echinoctiul de primavara.
Este foarte interesant, in schimb, cum au ajuns sa se calculeze datele astfel - in perioada 31-325 dupa Hristos, Pastele se sarbatorea in aceeasi zi sau in ziua imediat urmatoare Pastelui Evreiesc si nu se tine conta de luna sau de ziua saptamanii.

Apoi, in 326 si pana in 1582, Pastele s-a sarbatorit dupa calendarul Iulian, in prima duminica dupa Luna Plina Pascala din an. In 1582, s-a adoptat calendarul Gregorian, atunci cand Papa Gregorian al 13-lea a intocmit impreuna cu astronomii si matematicienii sai un tabel al datelor Lunii Pline Pascale – tabelul gregorian, folosit si astazi de bisericile vestice.
Biserica Ortodoxa a continuat sa sarbatoreasca Pastele dupa calendarul Iulian, chiar daca si-a dobandit autonomia in 1054. In schimb, in anul 1582, atunci cand s-a trecut la calendarul Gregorian, data de 4 octombrie a fost urmata imediat de cea de 15 octombrie, eliminandu-se astfel 10 zile.
Cu alte cuvinte, daca vreti sa aflati data exacta a Pastelui Ortodox, trebuie sa aflati intai data acestuia conform calendarului Iulian, dar sa si adaugati cele 10 zile eliminate in perioada 5 octombrie – 15 octombrie 1582.
Complicata treaba, am zice, nu credeti?
2. In istorie, inaintea perioadei crestine, au existat mai multi zei care au avut un destin similar cu al lui Hristos: Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Dammuzi, Dionysis, Marduk sau Amun sunt doar cateva personaje din mitologie care s-au nascut dintr-o virgina, au murit si au renascut dupa trei zile.

3. Ouale apar in foarte multe traditii antice, ca un simbol al vietii sau al inceputului vietii. In Europa medievala, imediat dupa ce se termina postul Pastelui, oamenii mancau foarte multe oua (deoarece nu aveau voie in post).
Partea cu vopsitul acestora poate fi atribuita grecilor crestini care faceau schimb de oua rosii, ce simbolizau "sangele lui Iisus".
4. In trecut, nu existau vopsele speciale pentru oua, asa ca acestea erau vopsite in mod natural (apropo, daca vreti sa incercati si voi asta puteti sa aflati cum aici). Ceapa rosie le dadea o culoare violeta, morcovii una galbena, iar cele rosii erau facute cu ajutorul sucului de cirese sau visine.

5. Faza cu Iepurasul de Paste n-are nicio latura religioasa :) Acesta a fost un simbol al egiptenilor, ce semnifica fertilitatea (trebuie sa stiti expresia - a se inmulti ca iepurii).
Iepurasul a inceput sa fie asociat cu Pastele, in Germania, unde era un fel de Mos Craciun al primaverii si aducea copilasilor cadouri de Paste. Cei mici construiau un cuib special pentru acesta, unde sa-si lase ouale, si asa a luat nastere si cosul de Paste.
6. De Paste, tinerele din Polonia, ca un semn de afectiune, le-au daruit petitorilor lor 100 de oua decorate.
7. In Franta, clopotele de biserica nu bat din Vinerea Mare si pana de Paste, deoarece, potrivit legendei, clopotele zbora in Roma si se intorc de Paste pentru a da oua copilasilor (Stim, e foarte amuzant, dar fiecare cu tradiile sale).

8. Cel mai mare ou de ciocolata a fost facut in Italia - avea 10.39 metri si cantarea 7200 de kilograme. Asta inseamna ca era mai inalt decat o girafa si mai greu decat un elefant, tare nu?  :).
9. In fiecare an, in toate lumea, sunt fabricati peste 90 de milioane de iepurasi din ciocolata. Apropo de asta, se pare ca ucrainienii secolului al XIX-lea sunt cei care au inceput sa faca oua de ciocolata (Pysanka) si de la ei s-au extins in toata lumea.

10. 76% dintre oameni prefera sa manance primele urechile iepurasului de ciocolata, 5% ii mananca piciorul, iar 4% coada. 
Voi cum procedati? :).

Paste linistit, tuturor! Happy Easter!....and peace for everyone.


luni, 25 aprilie 2016

International Space Station

ISS Science for Everyone
Science Objectives for Everyone 
The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment places four commercially available HD cameras on the exterior of the space station and uses them to stream live video of Earth for viewing online. The cameras are enclosed in a temperature specific housing and are exposed to the harsh radiation of space. Analysis of the effect of space on the video quality, over the time HDEV is operational, may help engineers decide which cameras are the best types to use on future missions. High school students helped design some of the cameras' components, through the High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH) program, and student teams operate the experiment.
Science Results for Everyone 
Experiment Details
Principal Investigator(s)
Susan Runco, M.S., Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United States

Carlos Fontanot, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United States Lori Motes
David Hornyak, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United States

NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United States 

Sponsoring Space Agency
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 

Sponsoring Organization
Technology Demonstration Office (TDO) 

Research Benefits
Information Pending 

ISS Expedition Duration 1
March 2014 - March 2017 

Expeditions Assigned
Experiment Description

Research Overview
  • The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) investigation places four different commercial high definition cameras external to the International Space Station (ISS) on the Columbus External Facility.
  • These cameras video will assess camera quality for space use while taking Earth imagery.
  • These cameras assess the hardware's ability to survive and function in the extreme radioactive environment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
  • Educational outreach has been an important component of the HDEV project through the entire projects life cycle. NASA HUNCH program students fabricated some of the HDEV flight components, and most of the HDEV operation will be performed by students teams.
The High Definition Earth Viewing HDEV primary objective is to validate the space-based performance of the cameras in a variety of operating modes to exercise and demonstrate the features and longevity of the COTS equipment for future ISS Program usage. This payload is an external earth viewing multiple camera system using a set of Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) cameras. The HDEV integrated assembly is composed of a camera system of four COTS cameras, integrated Command and Data Handling (C&DH) avionics (ethernet), and a power data distribution box that allows the integration of the payload's components interface to the ISS Columbus module.

The HDEV visible HD video cameras are a fixed payload camera system that requires no zoom, no pan or tilt mechanisms. The four fixed cameras are positioned to capture imagery of the Earth’s surface and its limb as seen from the ISS (i.e., one camera forward pointed into the station’s velocity vector, two cameras aft (wake), and the other one camera pointing nadir). The video imagery is encoded into an Ethernet compatible format for transmission to the ground and further distribution. In this format, the video can be viewed from any computer connected to the internet.

The HDEV does not record video on board the ISS, all video is transmitted to the ground real time; any desired recording of the video occurs as ground operations. The COTS cameras, COTS encoder and other electronics are enclosed in a pressurized box to provide a level of protection to the electronics from the space environment. The Enclosure contains dry nitrogen at Atmospheric pressure.

The NASA High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH) program participated in the development of the HDEV. The HDEV project partnered with the HUNCH program to build several structural and support components of the HDEV flight system.

HDEV Design for Operations: The HDEV operates one camera at a time.  The HDEV is designed so that when the system is initially powered on, after a 1-2 minute warm up period, the Cameras are turned on one at a time in a repeating cycle. The Forward looking camera is powered first, followed by the Nadir and each aft looking camera, such that the HDEV video “follows” a location on the earth as the ISS passes overhead.This auto-cycle mode of the HDEV does not require any input from ground operators, so the HDEV can be operated any time that the ISS power and data resources are available, without requiring a ground controller present to operate the payload. The only command required, is the initial “power on” command, which is performed by ESA's Columbus Control Center as schedule by ISS Payload Operations.

Alternately as desired by ground controllers, the HDEV video can be commanded. Ground operators have the choice to change the cycle of the images noted in the auto-cycle mode (either changing which cameras that are powered on, or changing the length of time they are powered on), or, if desired, ground controllers can command a single camera to remain powered on and no auto-cycle to take place.

The HDEV is operated from a standard ISS TReK workstation with HDEV specific software installed.

Operations: Camera/system longevity performance--initially when installed on orbit, the cameras are turned on and video is recorded (on ground) to establish initial camera image quality. Periodically during HDEV operations the camera video images are recorded and compared to previous video. The video image analysis over time will document how well each of the camera systems hold up in the space environment.

Public Relations: The HDEV video is available to the public over the internet, at the ISS Imagery web site. The HDEV imagery is displayed next to an ISS location map (showing where the ISS is located over the earth as the video is viewed).

Continued Educational Outreach:  The majority of HDEV operations are performed by student teams through the life of the project.
Space Applications
HDEV tests commercially available HD cameras for future space missions. Using off-the-shelf products is often more cost-effective than designing new ones for space applications. Ground tests have shown that these cameras could survive the simulated space environment, but actual exposure to low-Earth orbit proves how durable and well they work in the extremely harsh conditions of space.
Earth Applications
This investigation conducts Earth observations using high definition video which provides broad area or panoramic views of how the Earth looks from the International Space Station. Students have helped to design some of the cameras' components, and the public can view the camera feeds streaming live online.
Operational Requirements
The camera system is installed externally on the CEPA. Power and periodic video downlink following power on is required.
Operational Protocols
Individual cameras are powered on and off automatically or as required to attain video data.

Results Publications

Related Websites
ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment USTREAM

duminică, 24 aprilie 2016

SAIL 4 youth

Training Course
10-19 June 2016 | In the Baltic sea and on coast of Latvia & Estonia , Latvia

SAIL4youth is an international training course to discover sailing as a method in youth work and to gain practical skills for the implementation of educational sailing youth projects. Please, apply here: http://ej.uz/sail4youth Deadline: 9 May 2016
Sail Training Association Latvia (STA Latvia) (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal
Application deadline:
9 May 2016

(The short link for this training offer is http://trainings.salto-youth.net/5732)

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

Romania a fost descalificata de la Eurovision 2016: Este regretabil ca suntem fortati sa facem asta

Televiziunea Română (TVR) a fost retrasă dintre membrii EBU (European Broadcasting Union) din cauza datoriilor acumulate încă din 2007, a anunţat, vineri, EBU pe site-ul oficial, una dintre consecinţe fiind eliminarea din competiţia muzicală Eurovision.

Astfel, TVR nu va mai putea participa la Eurovision Song Contest 2016, care va avea loc in luna mai - se anunta vineri pe site-ul eurovision.tv.

"Este regretabil ca suntem fortati sa facem asta. Suntem dezamagiti ca toate incercarile noastre de a rezolva aceasta problema nu au primit un raspuns din partea guvernului Romaniei. In ultimele saptamani, EBU a luat act ca Ministerul Finantelor a sugerat TVR ca poate intra in procedura de insolventa, fapt care poate duce la o retructurare profunda a radiodifuzorului. EBU este o asociatie non-profit, care reprezinta 73 de de posturi publice din 56 de tari. Gradul de indatorare a TVR a continuat sa puna in pericol stabilitatea financiara a EBU“, a declarat Ingrid Delentre, directorul general EBU.

Read more: http://stirile.rol.ro/romania-a-fost-descalificata-de-la-eurovision-2016-este-regretabil-ca-suntem-fortati-sa-facem-asta-973711.html#ixzz46dKbkZwP

Ziua Pamantului

O zi ....in care realizam inca o data, cat de neputinciosi suntem cand vine vorba despre ce facem cu ....noi (....de fapt! ) .

joi, 21 aprilie 2016

Ziro: World's First Hand-controlled Robotics Kit

Riley is a smart, fun and interactive way to monitor your home.

Raza de lumina

  Pentru noi, este doar o secventa pe care o putem vedea aproape zilnic. Pentru altii, insa poate este doar sfarsitul unei amintiri, in care lumina a ramas doar o amintire,  peste care s-a asternut....intunericul. 

  " Nu trebuie sa vezi ca sa ajungi departe" este logo-ul Centrului de zi pentru Nevazatori - Raza de Lumina - , institutie care functioneaza in subordinea Consiliului Judetean Brasov.
Astazi, persoanele din Centru au aflat de cate ori este mai mare suprafata  Australiei, raportat la suprafata Romaniei de la o voluntara, Monica Neesham,  venita tocmai din Tara Cangurilor ( ....fara legatura cu Concursul Cangurul !).

  Echipa Centrului, desi, o mana de oameni dedicati muncii cu persoanele nevazatoare si nu numai- fiindca din discutiile purtate cu ei, lipsa vederii, este la unii dintre cei care frecventeaza centrul, cea  mai mica problema - reuseste sa le aduca zambetul pe buze, chiar daca este doar pentru cateva momente.

  Condamnati la intuneric, marginalizati de o societate greu incercata de criza sistemica generalizata, in privirea lor, lipsita de cele mai multe ori de caldura sau raceala unei stari sufletesti, incerci sa identifici - speranta. .....si de cele mai multe ori, reusesti!

Centrul de zi pentru nevazatori RAZA DE LUMINA, Brasov
tel/fax: +40268516651

sigla si bannerul centrului pentru nevazatori

Recâştigarea încrederii românilor din străinătate

cover_newsdiaspora_avionText scris de Flaura Maler (Cipru)
Dan Stoenescu este ministrul delegat pentru Relaţiile cu Românii de Pretutindeni, în MAE și are misiunea de a face viața românilor din străinătate mai uşoară şi a păstra legăturile dintre români plecaţi şi ţară. Domnul Ministru a descoperit cum  poate călătoria cu avionul să-i aducă foloase. Când este în avion, însoţitoarea de bord anunţă acest lucru şi toţi românii care doresc pot să vină să discute despre problemele lor.
Ministrul Dan Stoenescu (sursa foto: http://www.mae.ro/node/34946)Printre soluțiile prezentate de Ministrul Stoenescu care ar trebui sa vină în sprijinul întăririi legăturilor diasporei cu România se referă la lansarea de platforme online, întărirea legăturilor culturale cu comunitățile istorice prin sprijinirea studiului limbii române, un dialog în avionul în care  se află în timpul vizitelor sale cu cetățenii români care călătoresc și organizarea unor sesiuni de informare cu privire la oportunitățile din România. Bineînțeles, în agenda domnului Dan Stoenescu se află și promovarea votului prin corespondență.

Ajută însă real ideile şi planurile dânsului cu ceva comunitățiile de români aflate în străinătate?
Sume cheltuite pe diverse platforme online am mai văzut şi bineînţeles este la modă să mai faci ceva şi să mai găseşti motive să cheltuieşti bani. Eu aş spune că întărirea legăturilor culturale se poate realiza prin mijloacele deja existente doar cu câteva persoane dornice şi pasionate de această promovare. Este mult mai uşor şi mai ieftin să utilizezi mijloace deja existente şi promovate decât să o iei de la capăt.
Studiul limbii române este o idee binevenită atâta timp cât există interes din partea comunităţilor respective. Poate că mai întâi ar trebui să ne asigurăm că există acest interes şi să ne asigurăm că există motive pentru care oamenii ar alege să înveţe româneşte. Cum s-ar putea creşte acest interes? Prin oferte educaţionale gratuite, burse la facultăţi, colegii românești care oferă diverse calificări în limba română sau prin creşterea şi susţinerea diverselor afaceri româneşti care au interes să angajeze cetăţeni care vorbesc româneşte. Acest lucru se poate realiza şi prin promovarea folosirii fondurilor europene.
Din păcate nimeni nu se grăbeşte şi nu se va grăbi să apeleze aceste fonduri când este deja încetăţenită ideea că accesarea lor este foarte dificilă şi este un success doar pentru cei cu diverse relaţii şi care îşi permit să dea diverse şpăgi. Birocraţia este cea mai mare problema a României, iar ideea de a deschide orice afacere în România este un coşmar numai dacă ai la cunoştinţă de câte ori un Cod Fiscal a putut fi schimbat în ultimii 20 de ani. Poate ar fi o idee să dăm o vacanţă fără plată Parlamentului şi Executivului ca populaţia să nu mai fie bombardată de atâtea schimbări şi apariţii de legi noi.
Ce are România? România are legi. Cine le ştie şi cine le respectă? Nimeni….
Ideea Ministrului Stoenescu de conversaţii în avion este inovatoare. Eu propun şi deschiderea unui bar cu specific românesc pe fiecare aeroport. Mă întreb cine poate discuta cu dânsul în avion? Doar cei care îi stau alături ?
Votul prin corespondenţă este încă o altă idee. Cum în România prezenţa la urne este foarte scăzută, nu am putea găsi vinovatul în lipsa posibilităţii de a vota. Mult mai importantă este însă posibilitatea creeată de clasa politică de a oferi cetăţenilor români, politicieni care să merite să fie votaţi. Ultimele eşecuri au fost aşa de mari încât nimeni nu-şi mai pune mari speranţe în voturile următoare atât timp cât nume noi nu sunt promovate de clasa politică. Nume proaspete, tineri cu realizări reale pe planuri profesionale.

Cloud-based Media Asset Management production and distribution helps industry-leading stock footage supplier scale its production to meet increasing industry demand

Clippn Reimagines Media Enterprise with Dalet xN
The Cloud  Everywhere – April 20, 2016 – Dalet Digital Media Systems, a leading provider of software-based solutions for media organizations, announced today that Clippn, an online platform delivering ready-for-sale video clips to stock footage distributors, has moved its production and distribution infrastructure to the Dalet xN business solution. In partnership with Amazon Web Services, the new cloud-based infrastructure leverages the Dalet Galaxy media asset management (MAM) and Dalet AmberFin media processing platforms. Clippn, which distributes through multiple stock footage sites, is a leader in stock content distribution with a 50% global market penetration. Citing the increased demand for content across multiple screens and an industry year-over-year growth rate of nearly 30%, Clippn sought a partner who could help reimagine its operation, providing an agile infrastructure to meet contracting and expanding demands at will.
“Getting these clips to market has traditionally been a problem,” comments Mick Reed, founder and CEO, Clippn. “We had to streamline the complexity of the product chain from initial ingest through processing and distribution. We knew we could not achieve that with our current on-premise infrastructure, which is why we started looking at building a flexible cloud-based infrastructure and approached Dalet, who we knew as the leading Media Asset Management provider on the market.”
“We realized that this project perfectly matched our vision with Dalet xN – how cloud-based technologies can provide innovative answers to modern business challenges in the media industry,”reflects Kevin Savina, Dalet director of product strategy.
In addition to needing a flexible and scalable solution, gaining from the experience of Dalet in program preparation workflows has been critical for Clippn. As a result, they have a complete solution for collecting, managing and delivering footage, starting with content gathering from multiple contributors, followed by ingest, editing, color correction, verification and QC, and finally, distribution to stock footage sites.
The final installation provided Clippn:
• Agile Infrastructure: Dalet xN is highly configurable, enabling Clippn to adapt their operations on a constant basis.
• Supports Next-Gen Operations: Having the system hosted in the cloud was a must for Clippn to be able to handle contributors and a workforce that are completely geographically spread.
• Enables New Business Horizons: Thanks to a scalable and elastic architecture, Clippn was able to put in place a solution that will scale with their needs.
“Dalet has everything we need. It is a robust platform that can handle the volume of video content that moves through our pipeline. It is also elastic so higher volumes of content don’t slow us down,”adds Mick. “We were able to create a cloud-based workflow that maximizes efficiency and actually integrates craft editing and curation, which I believe is a first.”
The automation built into the platform is critical, avoiding wasted steps and letting the Clippn team focus on what actually adds value to their product. And because each one of the Clippn distributors has different metadata and delivery specifications, the system has to be both adaptable and future-proof so new distributors can be added, allowing them to continuously scale their success. Proven Dalet technology (Dalet Galaxy and AmberFin) in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers this in a robust, dynamic, cloud-based ecosystem that will help Clippn grow its business for many years to come.
See Dalet xN at the 2016 NAB Show
To find out more about Clippn and meet Mick Reed, visit the Dalet xN area of the Dalet booth SL3905 at NAB 2016, near the “Re-Charge Bar.”
For more information on Dalet xN, please visit xN.Dalet.com.
About Dalet Digital Media Systems
Dalet software-based solutions enable media organizations to create, manage and distribute content faster and more efficiently, fully maximizing the value of assets. Dalet products are built on three distinct platforms that, when combined, form versatile business solutions that power end-to-end workflows for news, sports, program preparation, production, archive and radio. Individually, Dalet platforms and products offer targeted applications with key capabilities to address critical media workflow functions such as ingest, QC, edit, transcode and multiplatform distribution.
The foundation for Dalet productivity-enhancing workflow solutions, Dalet Galaxy is the enterprise NRCS and MAM that unifies the content chain by managing assets, metadata, workflows and processes across multiple and diverse production and distribution systems. Specially tailored for news and media workflows, this unique technology platform helps broadcasters and media professionals increase productivity while providing operational and business visibility.
Dalet AmberFin is the high-quality, scalable transcoding platform with fully integrated ingest, mastering, QC and review functionalities, enabling facilities to make great pictures in a scalable, reliable and interoperable way.
Addressing the demanding needs of studio production, multi-camera ingest, sports logging and highlights production, the innovative Dalet Brio video server platform combines density and cost-effectiveness with high reliability.
Dalet supports customers from the initial planning stages to well beyond project execution. Our global presence includes 17 offices strategically located throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, North America and South America, and a network of more than 60 professional partners serving 87 countries worldwide. This collective experience and knowledge enables our customers to realize potential increases in productivity, efficiency and value of their assets.
The comprehensive Dalet Care program ensures deployments remain up and running with 24/7 support 365 days a year.
Dalet systems are used around the world by many thousands of individual users at hundreds of TV and Radio content producers, including public broadcasters (ABS-CBN, BBC, CBC, DR, FMM, France TV, RAI, RFI, Russia Today, RT Malaysia, VOA), commercial networks and operators (Canal+, FOX, eTV, MBC Dubai, MediaCorp, Mediaset, Orange, Time Warner Cable, Warner Bros, Sirius XM Radio), and government organizations (Canadian House of Commons, Australian Parliament and UK Parliament).
Dalet is traded on the NYSE-EURONEXT stock exchange (Eurolist C): ISIN: FR0011026749, Bloomberg DLT:FP, Reuters: DALE.PA.
Dalet® is a registered trademark of Dalet Digital Media Systems. All other products and trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.
For more information on Dalet, visit www.dalet.com.
Press Contact
Anya Nelson
Zazil Media Group
(e) anya@zazilmediagroup.com
(p) +1 (617) 817-6559

Frederic Roux, director of sales, Americas, Dalet and Mick Reed, founder and CEO, Clippn


The largest broadcasting and new media event in Latin America takes place from August, 29 to September, 1, in São Paulo, Brazil
LAS VEGAS, April - SET is inviting its international partners to visit SET EXPO 2016, the main business and technology event for broadcasting and new media in Latin America.  SET EXPO will take place between August, 29 to September, 1, in São Paulo, Brazil.
In new edition, SET EXPO 2016 has just won a great support. The Department of Foreign Trade of the United States officially recognized the event as an excellent business opportunity through the program  Trade Fair Certification .
 "With this certification, the Commercial Service of the Department of Commerce recognizes its professional capacity to organize the US Pavilion and endorses SET EXPO as an excellent showcase for US products and services, "the agency said in a letter to the SET. the  Trade Fair Certification  is a cooperation program aimed at companies and entities that organize events outside the US. It aims to promote the export of products and business partnerships. 
Certified fairs are recognized for the quality and reliability of their business environment and receive support for dissemination in the United States. "The recognition of the US government puts the SET EXPO among the best and most important fairs of the market  broadcast  and new media world "says Claudio Younis, director of Marketing for SET. 
SET EXPO 2016 will take place in São Paulo, the Red Pavilion of Expo Center Norte, between August 29 and September 1. The expectation of SET is to receive about 16,000 participants will visit 200 booths, representing more than 400 brands, and will move approximately US $ 40 million in sales. 
For Olímpio J. Franco, president and founding partner of SET, the importance of SET Expo is evident from the event's ability to bring together the major interests of the entire broadcasting network. Consisting of a major equipment, products and services fair and a congress, the scope of SET Expo includes both the major manufacturers on the world market, and industry specialists and thinkers. SET EXPO affords visitors a unique experience in Latin America.
The event not only offers an overview of the new technologies, but also enables the huge public to take part in debates about major trends and prospects for broadcasting at a global level.  "The Fair and the Congress present opportunities for exchanges between the areas comprising the industry, in addition to creating possibilities for closing business deals throughout Latin America", Olímpio adds.

At its 2015 Edition SET Expo hosted:
  • 15,900+ media and technology professionals
  • Exhibitors and attendees from the five continents, including exhibitors in international pavilions (Germany, Japan and Scandinavia) and multiple exhibitors from USA, Canada, India, Korea, Italy, Spain, Chile, Argentina and many other countries
  • 200+ exhibitors representing + 400 brands
  • 200,000+ sq. ft.  show floor
The NAB has already confirmed its presence at SET Expo 2016. "Our partnership had borne fruit not only for Brazilians, but also for the US public visiting our event", says Olímpio.  At the previous edition, the NAB was a major player in promoting the exchange of ideas and opportunities within the industry.
Simultaneously with the Fair, which will host exhibitors from all over the world, SET is organizing a series of events, including:
28th Technology Congress
With each edition, the SET Congress discusses the industry's present and future from the point of view of technology, production, transmission, distribution, network support services and new media. Well-known Brazilian and international mediators and speakers present successful cases implemented in the different areas of communication, in addition to sharing knowledge by presenting the solutions encountered in each project.
SET Awards - Incentivizing the Technological Development of Brazilian Television
Launched in 2010, the SET Awards ceremony is held annually to acknowledge professionals and companies for their relevant contributions to the industry. The awards are given during the Annual SET Congress.
ISDB-T International Forum
A gathering of the Association of broadcasters, manufacturers, developers and teaching and research entities on behalf of Digital TV,  so as to discuss issues concerning Digital TV and its spin-offs.
Challenge of Innovation and Start-ups 
Since 2013, SET has provided a space for entrepreneurs to showcase during the fair their ideas, projects, services and products. The projects should make a contribution to the broadcasting technology market, either radio or TV, but also in the electronics, computer and audiovisual industries that are expanding into cinema, shows, off-line actions, games, the internet, cell phones, interactivity and new media in general.
Latin America Business Forum
The forum for debates and presentations by authorities seeks to bring together over 500 executives of the major radio and television companies in Latin America, together with industry specialists, to discuss the political and economic challenges and the opportunities created by the new technologies and new platforms associated with broadcasting.
About SET - The Brazilian Society for Television Engineering (SET) is a not-for-profit association consisting of technical and operating companies and professionals whose primary aim is to develop technical knowledge across the entire electronic media chain, from production to delivery. It represents the largest forum for discussing standards and trends for the electronic content creation, management and distribution market in Brazil, in addition to holding the annual event, SET EXPO (www.setexpo.com.br). The SET has the support of about 20 national and five international organizations , including the NAB Show and InterBEE, For more information, please visit www.set.org.br.

For more information:
 (55 11)  3666-9604 / 2506-8234
Carla Dorea Bartz - carla.bartz@set.org.br
Communications Manager

Maria Emília Farto - memilia@polodecomunicacao.com.br - (55 11) 99458-9197
April, 2016