luni, 17 iulie 2023

The Free International University of Moldova (U.L.I.M.) Chisinau, Republic of Moldova - educational offer for the Brasov Territorial Center - County Federation of Non-Governmental Youth Organizations Brasov, Romania - FJT, academic year 2023 - 2024

 For the 2023-2024 academic year, we propose an educational/university offer, ( distance learning at ULIM - Chisinau - Moldova Republic) which starts primarily from the needs expressed by young people

Undergraduate studies in the 2022-2023 academic year, specializations:

Interior design

Translation and interpretation/ Foreign languages and literatures:

English-French, French-English, English-German, English-Spanish, German-English, English-Chinese, English-Korean;

International relations

Social assistance

Journalism and media processes

World economy and international economic relations


Finance and Banks

Business and administration

Marketing and logistics


Information technology

Informatics Public aesthetic services

Hotel services, tourism and leisure

Master's studies in the 2022-2023 academic year, specializations:

Law School

International and institutional law

Criminal sciences Institutions of private law

Economic and customs law

Institutions of administrative and constitutional law

Anti-corruption and Integrity

Faculty of Economics

Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Management, marketing and logistics

Management and auditing of financial, banking and accounting systems

Faculty of Biomedicine

Management in esthetics and SPA services

Faculty of Social Sciences and Education

Clinical psychology and psychological counseling

Educational management

Educational counseling and school integration

Advanced studies in social assistance and social expertise

Applied social psychology in areas of socio-economic activity (with specialization in organizational and human resources psychology, judicial psychology, military psychology)

Management of social and health services

Faculty of International Relations, Political Sciences and Journalism

  Diplomacy, Security, Business and Communication

Media Management, Online Marketing and Business Communication

Faculty of Letters

Foreign languages and specialist communication management (Germanic and Romance languages)

Faculty of Informatics, Engineering and Design

Information systems management and data analysis

For registration and additional information, you can contact us by e-mail:

or by phone/fax: 004.0368.800.4305

    The documents required for registration are sent exclusively online/scanned or submitted to the FJT headquarters, in Lunga street no. 130, et. 1, place Brasov, Brasov county, with candidates assuming responsibility for the accuracy of the data, authenticity and correspondence between the digital/scanned documents and the original ones, starting on August 10, 2023.

Documents required for enrollment in the first year of the bachelor's degree:

1. Baccalaureate diploma or diploma equivalent to it, in original or certificate (in the case of high schools where diplomas for the 2022 promotion were not issued) issued by the educational institution, in which the general average from the baccalaureate exam is mentioned, the marks for the baccalaureate exam tests, the validity period and the fact that the diploma has not been issued;

Olympic diplomas obtained during high school studies (if applicable)

The document recognizing the studies carried out outside Romania, according to the provisions of CNRED;

2. The birth certificate, in certified copy according to the original by the secretariat based on the original;

3. Marriage certificate (if applicable) in certified copy according to the original by the secretariat;

4. CI or passport, in copy;

5. Standard medical certificate, from which it can be concluded that he is suitable for the faculty to which he is applying;

6. One ¾ cm photo uploaded when registering online and three ¾ cm photos when submitting the file in physical format;

7. Envelope file - will be submitted when confirming the place;

For registration and additional information, you can contact us by e-mail:, or by phone/fax: 004.0368.800.4305

The teaching languages are Romanian or English.

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