joi, 1 septembrie 2022

Monte Carlo, place where I put stop to this summer!


Is the end of this summer! 

In normal condition, at the end of summer, everybody,  listen Jason Donovan, with the faumos " end of summer hit "  : 

"Sealed with a kiss". 

I always, ask myself, why, this song is so representative and responsable for endind the summer time. 

Could be from this sad, but true :

''Goodbye for the summer ''?

I don't know! Let' s see more:

"Though we've got to say

Goodbye for the summer

Darling, I promise you this 

I'll send you all my love 

Every day in a letter

Sealed with a kiss''

What I am trying to do, right now, is to change a litle, the tempo. Actually, not the tempo, because Lindsey Stirling with a chrismass song like Halleluja,  is not more tonic, or optimistic than Jason Donovan with Sealed with a kiss, a this end of summer. 

In this condition, what can we say anymore?

" This is the situation!" ... and follow the videoclip.

This is my proposal, for this end of summer, made with my last materials made in Monte Carlo, editeted and videoprocesed, by Calin Nitu, one of the best ilustrators from Earth and with a soundtrack played by Lindsey Stirling, one of the best violinist  from Univers.
What else must be say? Again, thanks RYANAIR, and Monte Carlo, till next year, stay, the land of ahead Thinkers... today, tomorrow, always!

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