duminică, 21 august 2022

Monaco - Land of ahead thinkers!

         I could start my story with a frase like: 

.... long time in another galaxy..., but I prefer to be, less " extra" and more " terestrial", and say just, that : 

Monte Carlo, is not another world!

Is very, mediteranian, very french....and extremly italian!

I will start simply, with : 
Monaco - land of ahead thinkers! 
A logo, like any other logo, made with professionalism and with a terible adressability. 
I think that in a continuously boiling Europe, a place where things have been happening with a constant frequency since 1863, conflicts, pandemics and economic crises, they don't really have anything to look for. 
Monaco becoming a full member of the United Nations in 1993. 
I have 24 years, that time, and I like a lot  to listen,  Stephanie De Monaco:

...but this was, as I told you, long time ago. 

Now, everything, seems to look like last century. 

The Casino

...the clients,

hope that this guys, are residents, not refugees, but I am thinking that if they are residents, is not so expensive to transfer cars in Monaco. No? 
Or... not?

This is the view from the Casino to outside Monte Carlo!

As I told you before, things, here, have its own ritm. 
With an amazing garden,

and  almost ....green, houses!

a lady...banana!

a "normal" street with a "normal" arhitecture,

a harbor, not big....but very fancy,

makes you wonder: 
How people can live like this?!


I don t know if Star Wars was inspired from a 100 % human feeling, but what I can tell you without any hesitation, is that Monaco - Monte Carlo, near the royal palace,

is the right place to fall in love. 
Don't ask me why. 
Just belive!


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