joi, 16 septembrie 2021

European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research - "Live long and prosper" - Buzau, Romania, 15 sept.2021


15 September 2021, a  historical day. 

Date of  official born for the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, in a small town from Romanian Region Muntenia , called Buzau.

10.00. am,  Buzau City Hall.

      People, all over the country, most of them members in prestigious Research Institutes or Universities, teachers, students or entrepreneurs,  emotions and a clearly appetite of knowing each others in the new dimension called:

  European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research


     European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research - The Foundation for Multidisciplinary Research is a Romanian legal entity under private law that was established and operates in accordance with Romanian legislation of Associations and Foundations and other applicable legal provisions, this statute and internal rules issued under it. 

     It is politically non-partisan and acts for the public and community benefit and is a national and European organization.

     The purpose of  the Institute  is to promote fundamental and applied research and development, including experimental  and interdisciplinary.

The head of the Institute is nobody else than 

Alexandru Mironov. 

The Scientific Council has the following members:

Scientific Director

Camelia Petrescu

Technical Director

Titi Paraschiv

Scientific secretary

Dumitru Grigore

prof.univ.dr. Natalia CUC, cs 1 dr.fiz. Cristina GARLEA, Tudor Viorel ŢIGĂNESCU, prof.univ.dr. arh. Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Dan POSTOLEA, lect.univ.dr. Lygia ALEXANDRESCU, dr. Marius  Adrian NICOARĂ

prof.univ.dr. Camelia Puia PAPUC, ing. Răzvan PETEL, dr.dipl. Octaviana Flaviana MARINCAȘ, conf.univ.dr. Colette Roxana SANDULOVICI.

       Most important moment of the event, in my opinion, was the speech of Mr. Stefan Davidescu, the Head  of The Foundation for Multidisciplinary Research, the host of this event, and the man who make possible the born of this fantastic multidisciplinary team, Romanian 100%.
     If I will be in position to give marks from 1 to 10, for today event, I would give it for sure, 10 + to Camelia Petrescu, for the energy, for organizing everybody, for intervention in others speeches and for the capacity of keeping people together. Another 10, to Stefan Davidescu, for the effort of being a good host. 10 to the Mayor of Buzau, Constantin Toma, great speech, full of information and substance. Another 10 to the team  from The Foundation for Multidisciplinary Research, who help to the success of   this event ( many thanks to Manuela).
     A lot of peoples have very interesting speeches, but I thing all the Heads of different local division, parts of the   European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, wait to receive the official document which, put them in the position of Head, in local  different  Institute, parts of IECM.
     I am one of this Heads. 

     My Institute is located in Brasov, is called 
and it has a long story in the backside.

     Meeting with Alexandru Mironov, was for me very special. 
I admired his work and his fight, for innovation. 

     If you ask me what would I tell everybody at the end of this event, I think a Scient Fiction approach, is right: 
Live long and Prosper !

     Perhaps some of you remember that in 
STAR TREK production, 
people from Vulcan planet, 
have this greeting:

...and the text: 
Live long and Prosper !

As I say lately,  Live long and Prosper ! 
European Institute for Multidisciplinary Research

Buzau, Romania, 15.09.2021

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