miercuri, 21 decembrie 2022

Vremea bilanturilor!

 Cand tragi linie si incerci sa le aduni, la final de an,  te focusezi pe cele bune. 

Mai este insa o problema. Dupa o vreme, notiunea de timp, devine, intr-adevar, relativa. 

Nu mai stii exact,  cand s-au intamplat. 

...Parca totul a fost ...ieri!

Impreuna cu Academicianul Alexandru Surdu.

Radio Joyart, un proiect de suflet!

Alaturi de Manuel Velicu, cot la cot, in lupta cu...natura!

Alaturi de Doru Dumitrescu, la Kiev - Ucraina. Intalnire cu Ministrul Muncii ucrainian.

Conferinta Internationala "Stiinta si Inovare - Brasov, Romania .

Alaturi de Academicianul Dan Balteanu.

Putina simbolistica!

Ziua in care am devenit Cavaler de Malta!


Pe plaja de la Vlore - Albania. 
Pregatiti pentru...orice! 
Simona Pop, Mircea Slavila, Adrian Urichianu si Manuel Velicu.


Cladirea Rectoratului, Brasov - Romnaia.

La statuia lui Eugen Ionescu. Slatina - Romnaia.

Alaturi de Conf. Univ. Dr.  Mircea Slavila.

Impreuna cu Catalin Sibisan si George Iordache 
( Radio UNU ).

Cu Manuel Velicu, Alin Romascanu si Catalin Sibisan, la aniversarea Radio UNU.

Jumatate beduin!

Cu Abdul, pe Marea Rosie - Egipt.

Pe malul raului Chattanooga - SUA.

Alaturi de reprezentantul Laosului la Paris - Franta.

Out of Africa!

In Atlanta - SUA, la sediul CNN.

Alaturi de Cosmin Duca, la Primaria din Nimes - Franta.

Alaturi de Thomas Mesa, Melinda Bogdan, Sheila Cast Rosapepe si Claudia Serban, la lansarea Asociatiei Tinerilor Ziaristi, Brasov - Romania.

Alaturi de Roxana Florescu, si Ministrul Tineretului si Familiei din Austria. Viena - Austria

UN,  New York - SUA, un discurs antiglobalizare, la Milenium Summit.

Impreuna cu Jim Rosapepe in Poiana Brasov - Romania.

Ne pregatim si noi...


...or fi bune la ceva?!

Tribute to Joy Art Festival. Gala of the 2006 laureates. Winner, Dalma Kovacs!


duminică, 11 decembrie 2022

End of 2022 - part I

 2022 - In Memoriam!

23 years since mother's death - March 1999

3 years since the death of the father - February 2019

...and this year the following celebrities died:

Rest In Peace!

miercuri, 7 decembrie 2022

Good Morning Vietnam!


    One of the oldest cultures in Southeast Asia had as a link the Chinese culture. 

    Immediately after Vietnam gained its independence in the 10th century, the country developed southward, which brought with it the incorporation of several elements of culture borrowed from Champa and Khmer, but also from the old continent, after French colonial rule . 

    This is how Catholicism and the Latin alphabet spread.     Unfortunately, cultural exchanges with Western civilization were restricted with the installation of the communist regime in Vietnam and the principles taken from the Soviet Union or Cuba were adopted. 

    Ancestor veneration, respect for family values and devotion to unceasing study have never waned, and the Vietnamese are still a people with strong springs in these senses.

    The Vietnamese identify themselves religiously in three broad directions. 

    Most of them are either Taoists, Buddhists, or Confucians. However, it is not unlikely that you will also identify Vietnamese Catholics. 

    In any case, they all practice ancestor worship in a rigorous way, even worshiping them on festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Buddha's birthday, or the Lunar New Year.

    The most common thing you can see in Vietnamese is that at least three generations of the same family live under the same roof. Being very valuable, family and clan come first in the choices that the people of Vietnam make, leaving individualism on the third plane. Villages come to bear the names of the groups that live in them and which seem to be indestructible, at least in terms of the respect that their members show each other.

    In the past, parents used to marry off their children young, but today this custom has diminished, with young Vietnamese having more freedom to choose the right time to start a new family.     However, they do not abandon traditions when it comes to the wedding day and respect them exactly, as they did hundreds of years ago.

    The same cannot be said, however, about funerals, which long ago were very elaborate and lasted for two years, but which today have become simpler and shorter.

Most Asians have never heard of Romania. 
Some are vague about everything and don't know much. 
Then comes the category that exclaims: Aaa, Romania! and then... nothing...Pause. 
But you read on their faces that they don't really know where it is on the map, they're just trying to be kind.
